The next installment in Thor, Thor: the Dark World, should end up doing very well considering he’s part of the Avengers team. While fans are salivating for Avengers 2, which is due in 2015, they had Iron Man 3 this summer to keep them satisfied for a while, and Thor should also help bridge the gap nicely as well.
So like the box office pundits say, what’s the “tracking” for Thor: the Dark World? Well, according to The Hollywood Reporter, it’s on track to make a healthy $75 million opening weekend.

The Reporter adds that “if pre-release tracking is any indication, Thor: the Dark World could enjoy one of the best November openings of all time at the North American box office, particularly for a film opening earlier in the month.” The Reporter tells us that Thor is appealing to all four quadrants of movie-goers, including young females because of Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman.
This also means that the next Thor could have an even bigger opening than the first installment, which made $65 million its opening weekend. And again, it will have The Avengers to thank for this boost. (This installment of Thor will take place a year after what happened in The Avengers.)
Look for Thor: The Dark World on November 8.