Although Kurt Cobain tragically took his own life nearly twenty years ago, you can still see Nirvana shirts and posters everywhere. We never expected the band to go forgotten, but considering the ultra short attention span people have with today’s pop culture, it’s nice to see that Nirvana’s music has lived on for another generation.
Now the news has hit that Nirvana are up to be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame along with Kiss, Deep Purple, Cat Stevens, Yes, The Replacements, Linda Ronstadt, Peter Gabriel, and more. If you want to see Nirvana inducted, fans can vote on the Hall of Fame’s website, as well as on, and

The winners will be announced in December, and as much as the members of Kiss have publically sneered at the Hall of Fame, you know desperately want in, and we wouldn’t be surprised if they get voted in as well. We’re also pretty certain Nirvana will get inducted, because they got far more critical respect than Kiss.
Both bands had enormous impact in their time, and while Kiss’s music may not have been as groundbreaking, the way they helped transform touring, promotion, and merchandising can’t be denied. It’s also hard to remember the last time a single band did so much to change music as Nirvana did. Seemingly overnight the whole hair band scene thankfully vanished, and things would never be the same for the music business again.
Nirvana’s explosion was one of the last big moments of the music business before everything collapsed at the end of the decade. After the Seattle scene was played out, the pendulum swung again, and mindless boy bands and performers like Britney Spears were all the rage.
So we think it would be very fitting to see both Kiss and Nirvana in the Rock Hall of Fame. Kiss were one of the bands that signified when rock n roll became big business, and Nirvana’s incredible success was one of the last important moments in rock history before the business collapsed.