Lately we’ve been seeing a lot of stories being continued as graphic novels. There was a graphic novel prequel to Pacific Rim before the movie came out, and there’s also a new continuation of Firefly coming in comic form. Now The Six Million Dollar Man is coming back as a graphic novel, and we’re certain there’s tons of fans that will welcome it back with open arms.
As Giant Freakin Robot tell us, this graphic novel will be the sixth season of The Six Million Dollar Man, which never came to pass on television, but now we can take Steve Austin and Lee Majors back to when they were young, fit and strong. The title will even be The Six Million Dollar Man: Season 6, and it will continue where the series ended when it went off the air in 1978.

This graphic novel is being written by James Kuhoric, who is the Vice President of Avatar Press. He told Robot that Season Six it will “bring back all the things that made it special to me back in the day.”
There will indeed be fans who grew up with the show who will want to check out this comic, but the real question is will today’s audiences dig The Six Million Dollar Man? Even the title, clearly unadjusted for inflation, could strike people as funny. Could you actually build a cyborg for that little? Or maybe we shouldn’t look into this too closely, and just have some good retro fun with it. (That’s certainly what we’re planning to do.)
Look for The Six Million Dollar Man: Season Six, in comic stores in February 2014, which will also come up against the show’s 40th anniversary.