We at TGD are amazed at how much love people still have for Ghostbusters. It’s coming up on three decades since the comedy came out in the summer of 1984 and became the hottest thing since sliced bread, and Dan Aykroyd has been trying hard to get a third Ghostbusters off the ground for years.
While a third Ghostbusters may or may not come to pass, there is now a fanboy effort to try and save the Ghostbusters car, the Ectomobile. As Giant Freakin Robot tells us, the effort to restore the Ectomobile is enlisting fans with an online petition via the Ghostbusters Fans website, and it is indeed surprising this kind of effort hasn’t turned to Kickstarter for help, but according to the site, donations are indeed welcome if you’re so inclined.

Apparently there was an effort to restore the original Ectomobile back in 2007, but when funds ran out it was put on hold. So the car still remains on the Sony lot, stripped down, and waiting for the fanboys to save it. If this restoration effort gets enough signatures, the fans are hoping Sony will sell them the car for scrap value, and they’ll take the restoration from there.
We recently saw a very intensive effort to restore the DeLorean from Back to the Future, and with the help of Future screenwriter Bob Gale, the fans indeed brought it back to its original glory. There’s definitely enough fanboy enthusiasm out there that will hopefully keep the Ectomobile from winding up on the scrap heap.
Not to mention it’s great that the fans are doing as much as they can to keep these famous pieces of cinema history alive. So here’s hoping the Ectomobile will indeed be rebuilt and restored with the obsessive, loving detail we know the fans can bring to this.