While it looked like it was in jeopardy earlier this year, Jurassic World, the fourth installment in the giant dinosaur series, is indeed moving forward full speed ahead. Bryce Dallas Howard is the first official member of the cast, and now Jurassic World has another lead role filled.
As Deadline tells us, it’s Ty Simpkins, a 12 year old actor who was also in Iron Man 3. (What’s a dinosaur movie without little kids in jeopardy, right?) Simpkins is already a veteran of working with Spielberg in War of the Worlds, and he was also in Insidious, and Revolutionary Road, among other films.

Deadline also reports that Jake Johnson from the TV show New Girl could also be in Jurassic World, but that’s not confirmed yet.
Universal has Jurassic World set for a June 12, 2015 release date, which means casting should be coming together very quickly if the production expects to roll soon. (We’re sure it will get going no later than the first quarter of 2014.) Jurassic World is also going to be in 3D, big surprise, and we indeed hope it will reinvent the franchise, big time.