Comic-Con has been based in San Diego for as long as we can remember. Every year, fans from all over the world make the pilgrimage to San Diego celebrate all things geek, and now there are reports that Comic-Con could be changing venues in the future.
According to the L.A. Times, the organizers of Comic-Con, as well as the people behind the Chargers football team, are demanding a bigger place to hold their events, or they may have to move. One proposal is to expand the San Diego Convention Center to make more room, and this could end up costing over half a billion dollars.

Comic-Con is all for the Convention Center expanding, especially with an estimated 100,000 fans descending on San Diego every year. David Glazner, spokesman for Comic-Con, told the Times, “An expanded facility is a good proposition for San Diego.”
There are other cities that would love to host Comic-Con, like Los Angeles and Anaheim, but Comic-Con’s San Diego contract goes until 2016. The problem is, they need a bigger place to house all the geeks, and we doubt the demand for Comic-Con badges will die down any time soon.