There’s two famous sci-fi properties that Hollywood has been trying to remake for well over a decade now: Barbarella and Logan’s Run. While the original Barbarella didn’t have much of a story, it could be interesting to see what a modern day interpretation could look like. Ditto Logan’s Run.
Nicolas Winding Refn, the director of Drive, was working on reboots of both Barbarella and Logan’s Run, with Barbarella being developed as a TV show. Giant Freakin Robot tells us the Barbarella show could still happen, but apparently the Logan’s Run remake is dead.

Refn said he’s “still writing” the Barbarella show. “I have a number of ideas that would see it through a number of seasons.” At the same time, he can’t guarantee that the Barbarella show will meet the finish line, and he quoted the old saying, “How do you make God laugh? You tell him your plans.”
Unfortunately, the Logan’s Run remake he’d been planning with Ryan Gosling playing Logan Five is “dead as dead can be. I was so in love with the original that I think I was disillusioned by the fact that if I made a remake I would be closer to the original, I would be part of the original more than any other, and I realized that that was a lie. It wouldn’t be like that. Also, if I was going to make a $100 or $200 million movie, and trade off my creative freedom for that price, it needed to be something that was going to outweigh that loss.”
Actually, the original Logan’s Run movie wasn’t executed that well, and many fans were hoping they’d go back to the novel, and rebuild from there. Giant Freakin Robot has told us that the Logan’s Run remake is still alive with other people trying to get it going. Ken Levine, the creator of BioShock, is apparently going to write a script for it.
We’ve lost count how many Logan’s Run remakes have been in the works over the years, and we would like to see an updated version one of these days, because it’s a great sci-fi story that could fit in very well in these times.