As we all know, when Star Trek was first on TV from 1966 to 1968, it had a tough time staying on the air. There was even a protest to keep it on the air. But of course the cult of Trek has gone on and on since its initial run, and it should continue to go on for God knows how long.
While Star Trek has been exclusively on movie screens for the last five years, the current Star Trek team tell us it will certainly be back on TV again. Come to think of it, with a new director waiting to take over the Trek movies, maybe it will head back to TV sooner than we think.

Roberto Orci, who’s calmed down considerably after going nuts on the Star Trek Into Darkness haters on Twitter, told Giant Freakin Robot, “I do think Star Trek is wonderful for TV. I think it should be both [TV and movies]. I saw a Next Generation movie, but I thought, ‘Ahh, it slightly succumbed to the trappings of movie making. A lot of action and not enough philosophy. TV affords you [philosophy]. But, I do think that audiences are sophisticated enough that Star Trek can be Star Trek in both mediums now.”
Whatever medium it takes on, Orci stated the obvious: “Star Trek ain’t going anywhere. It’s going to outlive all of us. It’s going to be translated into every kind of delivery system you can imagine. It’s not going away from TV either. It just depends on when it comes back and how it’s programmed against the movies.”