We recently reported here on TGD that while Firefly may not be back on TV any time soon, it will be returning as a graphic novel. This could be a great way to keep the Browncoat army happy, and we’ve been seeing several geek properties, like Pacific Rim, X-Files, an Frascape, that are continuing their stories through graphic novels.
Giant Freakin Robot tells us that the graphic novel will continue after the events of the Serenity movie, and the graphic novel will be coming out through Dark Horse, the same company that visualized George Lucas’s original 1974 Star Wars script.

There’s another Whedon connection with this too. Georges Jeanty, who also worked on several Buffy the Vampire Slayer comics, also through Dark Horse, is illustrating the Serenity comic as well. (There is currently no writer onboard for this comic just yet.)
As Jeanty told Comic Book Resources, “Firefly is a lot darker than Buffy. There are way more shadows and shading…There are a few very subtle differences in the ship from TV to the movie. This is definitely a learning experience, one I don’t think I’ll fully master until the [graphic novel] series is over!”
Jeanty’s influences are Mobius, Alien, and Blade Runner, so he’s definitely the right guy for the job. Stay tuned for further developments…