Well that didn’t take long. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to predict that GTA V would move a ton of units. In fact, it’s already made $800 million its first day of release. (We should all be so lucky.)
As the Hollywood Reporter tells us, GTA V has made $800 million world-wide within a twenty-four hour period, which beats the previous record for Call of Duty II. (That game made $500 million in twenty-four hours.)

It’s also interesting to note that GTA V is the most expensive video game in history, costing $265 million all in. (This includes production and marketing costs.) While we’re not sure if the video game industry is as good at hiding money as Hollywood is, we’re willing to bet you the game will recoup it’s costs very quickly, if it hasn’t already.
In a statement, Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of Take-Two, said, “All of us are thrilled with the initial response to Grand Theft Auto V. Once again, the team at Rockstar Games have outdone themselves, setting the entertainment industry’s new standard for creativity, innovation and excellence.”
GTA V has gotten strong reviews, not just from the gaming sites, but from publications as prestigious as The New York Times. We’re also hoping that this will help bring back the gaming market, big time, and if it doesn’t, we’ll be stumped. After all, $800 million in a day sure ain’t chump change.