When the last Harry Potter book came out, that was it for the franchise. The series was done, over, kaput. We all knew this, and there was no way of bringing it back. Or was there?
As you’ve seen recent, JK Rowling is trying very hard to put Harry Potter behind her, and have her writing accepted on its own terms. She even went as far as releasing a book under a pseudonym. (Once the word got out that Rowling the book, The Cuckoo’s Calling, sales of course increased.)

So now there’s another Harry Potter franchise in the works, it’s widely being called a spinoff, and Rowling will be writing the screenplay herself. As Vulture puts it, it’s set “in her Harry Potter universe,” and it will be based on the spinoff book series, From the Library of Hogwarts: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them.
According to the Hollywood Reporter, the next series of films will be “neither a prequel or a sequel…but an extension of the wizarding world” based on her character Newt Scamander. Warner Brothers, who have been desperately looking for a franchise since Batman finished, are very excited about the new Rowling series at the studio. As Warners CEO Kevin Tsujihara told the Reporter, this movie is “incredibly important,” although there’s only a one film commitment for right now.