David Goyer is the screenwriter of the Blade films, and he also brought Bruce Wayne’s alter ego back from the dead with Batman Begins.
Not only does Goyer have producer and story credits on the Christopher Nolan Batman flicks, but he also recently did some work on the screenplay for Godzilla, along with writing the script for Call of Duty Black Ops 2.

By the way, did we mention he also wrote the screenplay for Man of Steel? Needless to say, Goyer’s geek credentials are clear. While Man of Steel is still a few months away from release, June 14, early word so far is very good, and maybe, finally, Superman will get the reboot he’s always deserved.
As Collider’s Steve Weintraub also writes, “I really believe this is the Superman film we’ve been waiting for and everything I’ve seen and learned tells me it’s going to be one hell of a ride. I’ve spoken to a few people that have seen the film and everyone is raving.”
One of those people is of course Goyer himself, who told Collider, he was “very happy” with the end result. Goyer also had an interesting story as to how the reboot of Superman came together. He was working on The Dark Knight Rises with Christopher Nolan and they both got stuck trying to work out the story. They decided to take a break for a few weeks and come back with clearer heads.

Goyer then pulled out some Superman Action comic books he had at home. “I just randomly sat down one afternoon and wrote up some ideas for Superman.” Nolan was procrastinating as well, and when he asked if Goyer had figured out the story problems for Rises, Goyer said, “Well I had this idea for Superman.”
Goyer told Nolan the idea, and he was so excited he called the head of Warner Brothers right then and there: “Dave just told me this take on Superman and you need to hear it, I’d like to produce it. Can we come in?” A meeting was set up for the next day, and as Goyer continues, “That’s how it happened. We weren’t trying to do it, it just happened.”
Both Superman and Batman are Warner Brothers properties, so when you get a call from the team that resurrected the Dark Knight for the big screen saying they want to redo Krypton’s favorite son as well, it’s pretty much a no-brainer. If the buzz is indeed true that Man of Steel is a winner, we’re absolutely looking forward to seeing Steel on June 14.