Everyone’s favorite game about spherical birds just got a new spinoff.
The game gives players a chance to finally experience what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a bunch of flying ill-tempered avians.

“Bad Piggies gives you the chance to play as the second-most-loved characters in the Angry Birds universe, and explore this rich world through their green eyes,” Rovio explained earlier this year.
After making a huge splash on smartphones and tablets, Angry Birds has made its way to traditional game consoles as a downloadable title, been introduced to stores with a whole line of retail merchandise, got a tie-in with the theatrical animated film Rio, and is accessible via download codes in the Blu-ray version of the 20th Century Fox flick.
So it’s no surprise to see the life of the franchise expand, this time with a bona fide spin-off that should add new life to the Angry Birds universe.
While it is a good, fun game, it is because of the marketing from developer Rovio and original publisher Chillingo that it has managed to skyrocket to blockbuster status.
It will be interesting to see if Bad Piggies gains the kind of momentum that Angry Birds saw.
It will no doubt be a muted response in comparison, but it is nice to see something that mixes up the admittedly repetitive gameplay of the many Angry Birds titles that have been released over the last few years.