Ouya CEO Julie Uhrman has provided the latest update about where the ambitious Android-powered game console stands right now.In a post on the official company blog, Uhrman wrote that she just got back from a trip to Taiwan and Hong Kong.

She said that the manufacturers and suppliers (which she did not specifically name) are “all eager to bring Ouya to the world.”
“We’re now finalizing our circuit-board layout, overall design, and what’s referred to as the ‘CMF’ – colors, materials and finish,” she continued.
Thanks to its massive Kickstarter campaign, Ouya has raised more than $8 million in funding, from people who want no equity in the company and will simply be happy with an Ouya device.
Streaming video game devices appear to be the big thing these days. Onlive has gained both fame and infamy, and earlier this year, Sony acquired Gaikai, the other key player in the “Netflix for video games” market.
Of course, Android isn’t exactly the biggest name in the world of gaming, so this project is very interesting in many respects. We’ll see if it can pull of what it’s trying to achieve.
Uhrman reiterated her thanks for the tens of thousands of micro-investors, saying, “Your input into this process has been highly appreciated.”