I loved Avatar when I saw it opening day, and also have it on DVD. But of course, we’ve all been wondering, when is it (officially) coming out in 3D for the home?
We knew it wouldn’t be available in 3D on DVD or Blu-ray for a while (except as an exclusive on Panasonic’s 3D Plasma TVs), and I still enjoy the movie flat, but the home 3D release for the masses is indeed around the corner and can be pre-ordered here.
As the 3D home release for Avatar draws near, it’s hard to say at the moment where 3D is in the grand scheme of things. It’s sure to do well when it’s available to buy in 3D, but there’s other film technologies we’ve been hearing more about lately.
As you’ve probablu noticed, we’ve been covering a fair amount of stories about films being shot with IMAX cameras, a trend Christopher Nolan started with the Dark Knight flicks, and I’m sure many cinema fans are relieved to not have to hear about 3D for a while.

While Avatar was considered the movie that would really make the 3D revival stick, at the same time it’s a stand alone film that really set a benchmark your average 3D film wouldn’t be able to reach.

Whether it’s still around in a few years or not, James Cameron will certainly continue to make the sequels in 3D, and at 48 frames a second, another controversial trend in filmmaking which also may or may not stick over the next few years.
Still, Avatar was the most fun I’d had at the movies in years, and a welcome relief from having to deal with the recession. Although I had major eye strain from seeing Avatar in 3D, I’ll welcome that headache again when it’s ready for home viewing on October 16, and you can pre-order it discounted for $27.99 on Amazon (list price is $39.99) here.