As we all know by now, the Internet is not the most reliable source of accurate information, and can be exploited to quickly spread rumors – whether they are true or not.
So in trying desperately to find any early reaction to The Dark Knight Rises, one report did pop up, as well as some comments on a well known Hollywood site, but who knows who’s really posting there, so always take this stuff with a grain of salt. That said, here goes…

So far from what little I’ve seen in the comments section of Deadline, and whether they’re people who’ve truly seen the movie or studio shills is anybody’s guess, is that Chris Nolan may be three for three with the Batman series. Indeed, there was also a report on Digital Spy that the film got a standing ovation at one L.A. screening.
Spy reported several reactions from Twitter and Facebook, where one fan wrote, “you people seriously have no idea the gut punch you have coming in The Dark Knight Rises. I can’t wait to see it again. And again. And again.” Another fan wrote, “I, myself, cried twice…once out of sadness audience out of pure geeky uncontrollable happiness.”
And yet another fan wrote, “Wow, quite speechless at the moment. It was everything I wanted it to be. Some fans will find certain aspects controversial, but in my eyes everything in the film fit the overall scheme of this installment and the series in general, and Nolan really couldn’t have made it any more epic.”
I’m only skeptical on this because you wonder how many people outside of Hollywood would be allowed to see The Dark Knight Rises this early, although I, just like many of us out there, would be delighted to learn that the last Nolan / Bale Batman flick is indeed a winner and will finish off the trilogy nicely.
Then again,
I’m sure official reviews will be out any day now, and once they are, we’ll detail them here ASAP.