Say goodbye to the passive commercials of yesterday.
And say hello to a platform that will make ads more personalized – and perhaps even more fun – than ever. Thanks to Micosoft.

The company appears to be making good on its promise to deliver a new, interactive kind of advertising medium. The platform, called NUads, will allow viewers to engage with the ad content in fun, interesting ways that could breathe life into the stagnant world of traditional 30-second ad spots.
Of course, the challenge is to get consumers interested enough to interact in the first place.
So imagine that instead of watching a commercial for a new car, you were asked a series of questions about what features you want to see in a new car, and then, without ever needing to click on anything, you were shown your dream car, picked just for you. That’s the idea behind NUads.
It uses the Kinect’s voice recognition and motion sensing features to pull you into the ad.
“We’re keeping it very simple with the first set of NUads. We want mom to be able to figure it out without getting confused, even thought NUads has the potential to add many interactive elements to advertising,” said Xbox GM Ross Honey in a VentureBeat interview.
It’s also great for advertising clients because they can get instant feedback on how users are engaging with their ads. Hey, at least it’s interesting, which is something we don’t get to say that often when it comes to ad platforms.
It may sound hokey, but at least it’s something.