There might be a radical change in one of the biggest trade shows in the technology world.
Even though everyone in the video game industry just finished wrapping up this year’s E3 trade show, sparks are already starting to fly about next year’s event.

Specifically at issue is the fact that the current Los Angeles Convention Center as we know it is set to be drastically redesigned by this time in 2013 due to the construction of a new stadium called Farmer’s Field.
E3, which is managed by the Entertainment Software Association – which also handles things like Congressional lobbying for video games, fighting lawsuits on behalf of the industry, and operating the ESRB video game rating system – has been held in southern California every year since its inception except once in its early days when it was held in Atlanta.
The only other time it was set outside of Los Angeles was in 2007 when the show was drastically scaled back and housed in several hotels in Santa Monica.
But the Los Angeles Times quoted ESA president Michael Gallagher as saying, “We need assurance on things like square footage, the quality of the space, the ease of loading and unloading equipment, signage throughout the convention center for marketing and sponsorships.
“We love being in Los Angeles, but we also have a show to put on.” Backup cities that have been discussed are apparently Chicago, New Orleans, San Francisco, and New York City.