I know, I know, you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about 3D, but like it or not, the medium is probably going to be around for a while.
And bands are obviously going to try the 3D and IMAX experiment with their live concert films in an attempt to recreate the experience of being there in your local theater.

So with 3D still the big daddy in the world of movie technology, Metallica announced last year they were planning to make a 3D flick themselves and finance it themselves as well.
According to a report GuitarWorld, the band picked up Charlotte Huggins to produce, who also produced the IMAX 3D flicks Blue Man Group: Mind Blast, and Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Of course, this kind of thing isn’t just going to come together overnight, and Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich recently told GW that yes, the rumors are true, they are working on a 3D flick, and they hope to have it out in 2013.
Ulrich said in a statement, “We wish we could tell you more right now, but we don’t have all the finer points nailed down just yet.”
Ulrich went on to say that making a 3D flick is indeed “easier said than done,” not to mention it may not be a straight ahead concert film.
”Imagine if you took The Song Remains the Same, which is 75 percent concert, 25 percent other stuff… All the non-concert footage, instead of being about the band members, is a story that unfolds, set against the backdrop of the concert.”
Where Metallica would probably be ill-advised to attempt a Lord of the Rings wizards and sorcery kind of story that Zeppelin tried with Song Remains the Same, behind the scenes 3D footage that makes a viewer feel he or she is really hanging out with the band could actually be pretty cool.
The band’s clearly not afraid to take risks, as we saw with their recent Lou Reed experiment Lulu, so let’s just hope this won’t be the Lulu of 3D flicks.