It’s been only a few months shy of a year since Nvidia debuted its TegraZone.
Basically, the purpose of the Zone is to offer a specific (optimized) app location for Android users who own mobile devices powered by Nvidia’s Tegra processors.

This was definitely a good move because it helps address the fragmentation in the Android market (to a certain extent) by specifically outlining games the devices support.
Qualcomm seems to have adopted a similar strategy, as it is slated to launch its own platform on January 10 with games that are optimized to run on Snapdragon equipped Android devices.
Dubbed GameCommand, the platform will also boast RSS feeds streaming the latest news and updates about mobile gaming.
As expected, the GameCommand platform will offer owners of Snapdragon devices access to titles coded exclusively for Qualcomm chips – including “Bunny Maze 3D,” “Desert Winds” and “Fight Game Heroes.”