Do you think that professional car racing is boring? Or do you love being part of the fast-paced action? Either way, the next Indianapolis 500 will be filmed in a way that could give you a brand new experience.
For the first time ever, the perennial racing event will be shot in full 3D. And not just any 3D – IMAX 3D.

Filmmaker Stephen Low sees it as the perfect way to document the race for an upcoming independent movie about the Indy 500. It just so happens this year is the 100th anniversary of the event.
It will most likely be broadcast live in 3D as well. Previous Nascar events have been, and were able to watch via live online streaming to users with 3D computers.
The entire documentary will be presented in 3D for the giant giant screen. It’s the first time a major sporting event will be presented in the ultimate theatrical format. Although, it obviously will only be bits and pieces of the full event, but it’s still something for racing fans to be excited about.