Star Wars memorabilia auctions have not slowed down, especially in the wake of an official announcement from Lucas and Disney that there will be yet another three films.
The prices haven’t gone down either, and if you want an original T.I.E.-Fighter model, or original action figures, you better step up to the plate with some big bucks.

As we recently reported here on TG, the original 65mm camera that shot Star Wars went for $625,000, an original Lightsaber sold for $212,141, and an original T.I.E. fighter model went for $170,000. Meanwhile, a recent auction on Ebay for a mostly complete collection of action figures sold on Ebay for $11,500.
And on the weekend of December 15, there was another Hollywood auction with 8 major Star Wars items up for auction, including Luke’s stunt Lightsaber (which was estimated to sell for $30-50,000), a Rebel Alliance helmet, Scout Trooper Blasters, and a latex Yoda head.
Giant Freakin’ Robot also reported on a fan in Texas who was selling his collection via Craig’s List, where the collector said he began accumulating items in 1977, and that “everything has been in climate controlled for the last 2 years.” (The whole collection was appraised at $120,000).
So with the new Star Wars trilogy scheduled to launch in 2015, Entertainment Weekly proposed an interesting question that I’m sure has gone through the mind of a lot of Star Wars fans. Will the memorabilia get more expensive from here on out? After all, the prices are already pretty nuts, but if you have to have it, you have to have it…

As one longtime collector told EW, the buzz among fans is they’re excited about the new movies, and that “a lot of collectors see the acquisition as assurance that the Star Wars property will live a long, healthy life, which by extension will keep the rarer and more sought-after-pieces in their collections in demand…There will be a constant stream of new fans and collectors entering the market as soon as nostalgia, and some disposable income.”
With or without new Star Wars films, there’s no doubt the legend of the series will continue for a long time. As another source told EW, the original Star Wars items will of course always be the most valuable. The fact that they’re also more rare than the more recent items means the value will go up because the older pieces aren’t readily available.
EW also tells us that in China and Japan, the market for Star Wars collectibles has gone up because as one source put it, “They are a bit more fanatical about items than in the States, and they’re willing to pay a lot more.”
And in many cases with Star Wars fans, buying the memorabilia is an “emotional purchase, not a financial investment.” Still, with so many people wondering where to put away their money for the future, maybe Star Wars will provide some good dividends in terrible financial times.