After losing interest in the X-Men movies, I’m currently looking forward to the next film in the series, X-Men: Days of Future Past.
Not only is Bryan Singer returning to direct, but apparently much of the original cast is negotiating to come back as well because Days of Future Past is a time travel story.

We recently reported here on TG that Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen are in talks, as they say in the business, to come back to the franchise, and there’s also a report in The Hollywood Reporter that Halle Berry and James Marsen may return as well. The new X-Men cast , including Jennifer Lawrence, will also be back, and it should be pretty sweet indeed to have the new and old school X-Men working together in the next movie.
But there may be another new wrinkle to the new X-Men movie. Singer flew to New Zealand to catch the premiere of The Hobbit, where he tweeted he had “serious frame rate envy.” Singer was apparently so impressed with the technology, there’s now reports that Days of Future Past may also be shot in the controversial 48 frames a second, as well as in 3D.

At recent screenings of The Hobbit in 48 frames a second, there were reports of moviegoers getting headaches and motion sickness, which Warner Brothers then rushed to downplay. The Hobbit is still not out in public in this format, and moviegoers will of course be the ultimate deciders if 48 frames per second will the next great thing in cinema, or a very short-lived trend.

X-Men Days of Future Past will reportedly begin shooting in April 2013 for a July 18, 2014 release date, so Singer will have to decide pretty quickly how he’ll shoot the film. Warner Brothers is treading cautiously like 48 frames a second, and they’re also wisely releasing The Hobbit in multiple different formats for moviegoers to choose from. Whatever format Singer ultimately picks, it’s definitely going to be great to have the X-Men gang back for more.