BBC One has released a trailer for the upcoming season of its hit sci-fi adventure show. (Warning – spoilers ahead).
The new season of Doctor Who will see the loss of the current companions, Amy and Rory, and the introduction of a new one, origins still shrouded in mystery, played by Jenna-Louise Coleman. This trailer only covers the first half of the season, which is slated to be split by a holiday episode, where Coleman’s character will be introduced.
The trailer gives away several of the conflicts, and even a couple of resolutions:
I must admit, it all looks fantastic.
I was already really looking forward to this season, and it seems like they’ve really gone to some cool places with the plots this time around, and though I’m still not sure so enthusiastic about bringing Amy and Rory back at all – I liked the way their story was concluded at the end of last season.
I really don’t think it really needed more closure – it seems as if they’ll get some really great moments leading up to their finale, which will occur, we’ve already been told in episode five, in which the Weeping Angels return as the villains. So, that scene there with Amy in the doctor’s arms is not her death; that’s only episode three.
We also have this beautiful promotional image for the new season:

Again, this isn’t depicting the end of Amy, only a harrowing experience, as we already know she survives her encounter with the Daleks this season. However, I have a feeling this image might end up as a desktop background for many a fan of the series.
The new season of Doctor Who begins This month on BBC One and BBC America. Due to BBC budgeting constraints, the season will be split across the new year.