The success of a business is majorly determined by their results. Great results are achieved when every stake holder meets their desired goals and targets. This determines the performance of the business. Key performance indicator (KPI) is a great tool for measuring the success of a business. KPIs measures, monitors and manages the performance thus allowing the stakeholders to know the things that they need to work on in order to better their organization. In order to have a relevant KPI, it should measure as frequent as possible. It can be daily or weekly. Also, a proper KPI should indicate the areas that need improvement.
Displaying real-time data for both the visitors and employees has number of benefits. Every visitor would want to know the kind of company they are dealing with and how they perform. Displaying real time data can show the performance of a firm comparing it with a previous week or month. If they are potential investors, they are able to make a decision and determine if it is worthwhile to invest in the company. As for the employees, they will be able to know when it is time to improve on a specific area. Below are some of the major reasons why you need to display real-time data.
Display of real-time data is a great way of receiving relevant important information.

Information is a vital part if you want to stand out from your competitors. The real time data allows the stakeholders to make systematic adjustments when the set goals are met. In addition to meeting the goals of the company, the real time data can be a great way of determining how the business is impacting the environment that is outside the business.
Also, there are emergencies that happen in a company and display for real time data is a great way giving out safety instructions when in the company.
It is a great way to measure targets and growth of a company.
As said earlier, this data is used to measure the performance in real time. This shows the performance of each department of a firm. Whenever a target is met, according to the data, it is easy to set a new and realistic data. If the goals of the form are not met, this data is able to measure and know what went wrong and affected the targeted results. It is a great way aid you in reaching your set goals within a stipulated time.
Real-time data offers an opportunity to learn more about the company.
This is beneficial to both the visitors and the employees of the company. On the side of the employees, they learn about the areas that they have performedand the measures that they need to take. In the long run, this data is used as a stepping stone for the overall knowledge and success of the business.
On the side of welcoming visitors, this data provides a platform where, if need be, they can analyze the stand of the business. That is by comparing the performance over a certain period of time. Whether they are visiting for the sake of seeking employment or investing in the company, the real time data will offer a platform that will aid them in making solid decisions, that is, the security of their jobs in the company, or the security of an investment.
With real time data, there is more accountability.
With the statistics displayed in the KPI, it enables the management to make decisions during the review of individual employees and departments. Real time data enables proper assessment of each employee instead of jumping into conclusions.
The employees, knowing that their work is being monitored, they will tend to increase their performance thus meaning good for the company. It will also gain trust for the visitors and potential investors.