In our digital information age, car dealerships stand out as a distinctly analog – but persistently necessary – sales market. There is something old fashioned about going down to the car lot, seeing what’s available, and taking a car out for a test drive. These days, people have come to expect to be able to find information on and communicate with businesses almost entirely online. Car dealerships should be no different. If your dealership has not yet looked into implementing a live chat function on your website, now is the time.
Live online chat should be a familiar function. Most of us have undoubtedly made use of Facebook and Gmail’s chat functions. However, companies like Gubagoo offer live chat software specifically for car dealerships. People who visit your website will be able to talk directly with a live chat operator. Operators work remotely from a call center, meaning that your customers will receive instant responses without expending resources on your end.
Operators have access to your dealership’s whole inventory. They are professionally trained and knowledgeable about the latest in car technology and will be able to make educated product recommendations. While they cannot sell the cars themselves – that’s the dealership’s job! – they will maneuver customers as closely as possible toward a direct sale, either by booking an appointment at your dealership or getting the customer’s contact information. Your customer is the consumer; the operator’s customer is you.

A nifty feature of this live chat is its integration with Facebook messenger, one of the world’s most popular ways of chatting online. Say a customer browsing your Facebook page – and if you don’t have one, you should! – decides to directly message you. The conversation will then be directly passed over to a live chat operator, who will handle the interaction for you. You are busy; you do not want to spend the day sitting in front of your computer or checking your phone every five minutes.
The most beneficial aspect of using this type of program, however, is data collection. A live chat function will help you get an accurate idea of who is visiting your website and what their browsing behavior is like. Gubagoo’s “Beast” AI profiles your website’s visitors based upon their unique behavior and browsing habits. The live chat operator will be able to see all the pages they have visited, for how long, and how often, then pass that information onto you. Data gathering is essential for any dealership to have an accurate idea of how sales work, from initial interest to final sale.
This live chat function is customizable based on your dealership’s needs and desires. You can layout the graphical interface in a variety of different ways that integrate seamlessly with your website. The live chat’s publisher function – tabs that feature your dealership’s sales, new products, upcoming events, and more – will be tailored directly to each customer who visits your website based upon their unique browsing patterns.
This is just a cursory glance at why a live chat function is beneficial for your car dealership. Being able to interact with customers 24/7 is a veritable necessity for businesses today. Implementing a live chat function on your website is a way of doing that without breaking the bank. Consider live chat today and watch your sales increase!