Improving your website’s UX to achieve Business Goals

What do your business, local start-ups and large successful corporations like Google, Apple or Adobe all have in common? The answer is very simple, and actually sits at surface level: you are united by the desire for success!

Plan = Success = Profit!

The most critical and apparent goal of any business is to be successful (profitable), that is, to bring enough profit to support the existence and development of the company. It is this goal that we strive to hit with our “ballistic missile”. But any modern rocket has “separable warheads” that should help us hit the target. So, in the case of improvements on the website, one should always strictly determine its goals and specific desired business results, or else it is destined for failure. I think it is worth remembering here that Winston Churchill once said, “who fails to plan is planning to fail”.

“Separable Warheads” for Hitting Multiple Targets

Conventionally, business goals can be divided into tasks according to category. So, for marketing, it is essential to attract traffic and potential customers, generate leads and re-engage existing customers. For salespeople, this is the generation of sales and the improvement of the sales: conversions ratio. For the customer service department – it is to increase customer satisfaction through better service, reducing the time required to complete each task. For the IT department, this is a reduction in costs (both of money and time) to manage the website, and so on, so that business may continue efficiently in the near and distant future.

UX and KPIs

User experience is simply how users interact with your system (website, service or product). How intuitive it is, ease of use and how simply it provides the solution for their task or query. The UX covers all aspects of the interaction of the end user with the company, its services and products. In recent years, the design of user experience is one of the most critical tasks in the development of websites. So, a lot of conducted studies have shown that for $ 1 invested in work on improving the user experience, you can get from $ 2 to $ 100 of profit. It is universally agreed that this is a good return on investment and a brilliant KPI.

Improving UX

Since even reducing the cost of customer service or products is only a way to save the money that customers have already brought in, you should concentrate on the part of the “experience” that is “user” and generates the main revenue. We are talking about customers who buy your product or service. It is important to make this process so smooth, seamless and pleasant that the next time the client requires your product or service they don’t think twice about where to go for it, but head straight to your company. Make their experience pleasant enough to become unforgettable.

Improving the user experience creates satisfied buyers, which in turn are more likely to become return customers, increasing sales and conversion rates, which ultimately will bring even more profit to the company. Satisfaction is a good fertiliser for growing the “blossom” of loyalty of your customers, which in turn is likely to make them the advocates of your brand, increasing brand awareness and attracting new customers that will again bring profit to the company. The positive user experience of the online store is able to increase sales by 30% and reduce bounce rates by 50%.

Often, the websites of companies that deal with operations and production are used to optimise workflows and automate jobs. This can lead to better customer satisfaction as well as lower costs. Therefore, investing in improving user interaction, especially at the development stage, can help avoid the costs of subsequent improvements and bug fixes. In addition, it helps to create the same seamless experience of use, which allows you to reduce the time spent on the tasks and increase the efficiency of employees. A well-designed interface helps users avoid mistakes or suggests how these errors can be fixed. This allows you to reduce the cost of supporting your website by 90%, significantly reduce the load on call-centres and technical support services. In short, great UX means you can save considerably.

A cheapskate pays twice as much

Invest in research and development of a high-quality user interface. You can rest assured that your investments will pay off. According to the results of research and surveys, companies that pay due attention to the design of user experience managed to increase profits by 37%. And some large companies that occupy a leading position in their segment can triple this figure.