How to identify and fix a dull website

Okay. So you have a corporate website representing all your products and services. But, have you ever thought about its user-friendliness? As technology keeps on advancing, companies become more competent than ever by bringing a customized website with desired features. These days, web development and design touch the new height with implementing technological advancements.

Today, customers visit the company website not only for having a product or service information but also for taking informed purchase decisions through establishing communication with the business owners. You need to focus on UX, user-friendly navigations and functionalities of your website to stand out from the crowd in such a competitive scenario.

Here is a golden rule to remember: As an online representative, your website can make or mar your business.

Though there are many pitfalls of a lackluster website, we give a list of only a few of them:

Downsides of a dull website

A dull website can damage company reputation, and you may fail to achieve business objectives from such a website. As per a survey, 66% of consumers linked company’s credibility with a website. As per the survey, many consumers tend to believe that a visually-appealing website is more trustworthy as compared to a dull website.

The following consequences can be witnessed for having a lackluster website:

· Lead generation gets a blow: A dull website can drive your prospective customers toward your competitor’s website. If your website fails to offer a quick and simple functionality, you may end up with a subpar lead generation.

· Exposure hurts: An informative and relevant website can find the place on the first or second page of Google SERPs. The lack of quality content with other issues can decrease an exposure and visibility of your website.

· Reputation tarnishes: Any outdated news on your web page sends a message to your potential customers that your company is behind time. It also shows the lack of innovation and company’s willingness to remain updated. Also, a website with faulty communication facilities also results in damaging company reputation.

Both appearance and performance of your website are directly related to your sales. Your website’s revamping cost you less than that of having a boring website for long. Creative and original web design can certainly help you bring the right customers for your brands and services.

How to identify dull website

Here the question arises: How can we identify an outdated or dull website? Well, your website is a matter of pride for you as it improves the brand reputation. But then, you may miss to addressing some of the major issues while developing your website that can create a negative impact on your company. Here are the useful tips to save your website from being dull and outdated.

Also, you can compare your website with your rival’s website. You can compare your website for navigation, transparency, content quality, and user-friendly approach. SEMrush and SimilarWeb are good tools for comparison.

Google Analytics can also remain handy for you as you can get the information about the web pages that do not attract visitors and also the web pages visited by them. You can also compare high-performing and low-performing pages for identifying issues.

How to make a dull website lively

A plethora of suggestions is there for making a dull website lively and attractive for the users. Here, we take some of the sure-shot points to transform your dull website into an interactive and interesting one:

  • What to include

Put yourself in the consumer’s shoes, and you will find that your consumers are looking for the answers to the following questions while visiting your website:

Where are you located?

What do you do?

How much does your product or service cost?

How can a consumer contact you?

You can also prepare a questionnaire containing industry-specific question, and answer every question through your website.

  • What to address

If you have redesigned a website, you can also opt for a test run of your website to get valuable feedback from existing customers, stakeholders, friends, and relatives. Any discomfort or inconvenience should be removed. You need to address all the business requirements through engaging, informative and engaging content.

  • What to communicate

You can consider including company values and mission for expressing your commitment to excellence. Any relevant information that can boost the credibility of your company should be communicated effectively through your website. You can also spread industry-specific knowledge through top-of-the-funnel content.

The complete process of order execution can be highlighted on your website as well to make your customers well-informed. You can also integrate video and audio clips to enable your clients to visualize your product mechanism or service process.

The final word

You can witness an exponential growth in business through a compelling website. Just identify the targeted audience and design your website to attract them. A professional-looking and functional web design can facilitate you to make your website livelier. You can outsource your web redesign project to a quality offshore development service provider for having a customized website in a cost-effective manner.

About the Author

Nitesh Mishra has some 6 years experience in the software development industry. Initially a web developer coding in HTML/PHP/Perl etc., he later got into mobile app development and now has expertise in project management, working at IndiaNIC