Google has reportedly paid $400 million for a company you’ve probably never heard of.
That is, unless you deal in online advertising for a living. Admeld is a company that focuses on how to simplify and enhance online ads, which would make it an ideal addition to Google’s portfolio.

Some would say Google doesn’t really need much help in this area, as it is its command of the cyber advertising market that has allowed it to skyrocket to the place it is today.
But Admeld won’t fundamentally change the way Google does business. It will only expand it.
“We’ve been investing in our publisher tools to try and improve this landscape and have made great progress, but we think we can do even better,” wrote Google advertising VP Neal Mohan in a blog post confirming the deal.
Google’s already complex system of online advertising covers everything from text-based ads that show up when users perform a search at to sponsored video channels on Youtube.
What Admeld specializes in is making all these processes run smoothly together. It also gives more flexibility to advertisers on how to display and customize their sponsored content.
“Though we have no specific integration plans yet, we imagine our combined offerings can help publishers make more informed, efficient, and profitable decisions across all tiers of their inventory,” wrote Admeld CEO Michael Barrett – who will keep his position – on his company’s website.