Don’t you just hate it when you buy something and then just a couple weeks later it’s already obsolete? If that’s how you’re feeling about your recent iPad purchase, Apple wants to make it right.
The iPad 2 was announced yesterday and will be coming out on March 11. As a result, customers who just bought an original iPad may feel a bit jilted. So in order to compensate, Apple is offering a $100 refund on all recent iPad purchases.

As long as you bring your iPad receipt to the Apple Store where you purchased it within 14 days of the date of purchase, the retailer will offer a refund of $100. Not too shabby.
For those who didn’t buy an iPad and still think the iPad 2 is too expensive (it’s the same price as the first iPad), then you’re also in luck. Apple has lowered the price of all first generation iPads by $100, hence the refund offer.
So, it’s not possible to get one of the coveted Apple tablets for as low as $400 from the Apple Store. However, you’ll always know that you’re behind the times, and instead of getting those stares of wonderment when you use your iPad on the train, you’ll be getting stares of condescension because you’re using an outdated product.
Is that going a bit too far? Maybe. Anyway, the third part of the story is that if $100 doesn’t matter to you one way or the other because you’re filthy rich, then just go out shopping now to pick up an $800 Motorola Xoom. Because that’s the new stare-worthy tablet that will allow you to feel like part of an exclusive club walking down the streets.
But please, whatever tablet you end up buying, just don’t bump into me on your way to work because you’re too busy watching ripped episodes of The Office.