The Horror of Truck Accidents

Road accidents are always a tragedy. No matter how small, it can disrupt your life and health. There is a difference in the impacts they can leave. While car and motorcycle crashes are terrifying and fatal in some cases, they cannot match the horror of truck accidents. Larger and heavier vehicles are more difficult to maneuver and can cause severe damage. On top of this, if people try to speed up the vehicle, they not only put themselves in danger but many others in proximity to their truck. According to a survey from Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), a two percent increase from the previous year was noticed in the number of fatalities from bus or truck accidents in 2019. However, regardless of this increase in numbers, the overall rate of accidents and casualties related to trucks and buses was at its lowest in the 21st century. This is thanks to the latest and innovative safety measures and advancements in vehicular systems. 

The Devastating Consequences of Truck Accidents

Dying from a truck accident is incredibly painful to think about. However, surviving one seems even more painful. According to reports of truck accidents, around 1 percent of the truck accidents resulted in fatalities, 29 percent of accidents resulted in injuries, and approximately 33 percent resulted in physical harm. Surviving a truck accident can be traumatizing, and even if you recover from the injuries and physical harm, it is difficult to get rid of the memory of it and things you may have lost in the process. People’s injuries can be life-altering and can even leave victims bedridden for life. Injuries that people are most likely to suffer include, but are not limited to, brain and spinal injuries, temporary and permanent paralysis, extreme burns, amputations in arms or legs, and severe blows to the head. While it takes thousands of dollars to cover the cost of normal road accidents, truck accidents can cost much more. The cost of truck accidents is nearly 110% greater than typical road accidents. This is why it is important to contact an experienced attorney if you are the victim of a truck accident. 

Factors Contributing to Truck Accidents

When a truck crashes, it is not merely due to the driver’s irresponsibility but also the specifications of the vehicle that make it difficult to control. Around two-thirds of the nation’s supply of goods is transported via trucks in the United States. According to John M. Cooper from Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers, “While a normal passenger car on the road may weigh around 4000 pounds, the average commercial vehicle may weigh nearly 10,000-80,000, making it much more dangerous.” Generally, it is challenging to maneuver such a heavy vehicle. It is very difficult to control, especially at higher speeds on the highway, since a heavily loaded truck would take nearly double the time as a regular car to brake. Additionally, the blind spots on these heavy vehicles make the driving experience difficult since drivers must depend on the side mirrors to view the back. These vehicles sometimes come with rear cameras, but it is still wise for passengers of the smaller vehicle to keep a safe distance.

According to FMCSA, 13 percent of truck accidents occur due to driver fatigue. No rest between driving shifts can often make drivers prone to mistakes, and they tend to speed up to get to their destination faster, which is never a good thing. Furthermore, driving under the influence, defective equipment, uneven loading of cargo, and changing lanes are examples of driver negligence in cases of truck accidents. While laws are set on the amount that truck drivers can drive in a given timeframe, it is best to always be vigilant when driving near a truck. 

Contacting a Lawyer

The driver does not always own commercial trucks, and they may be rented or leased by different parties, which causes issues with liability claims. The liable parties can be narrowed down after getting to the root of the issue that caused the accident. You must contact a lawyer who will advocate on your behalf and take care of your liability claims. An experienced attorney can make all the difference when navigating the aftermath of a truck accident.