Graphic porn involving children possibly as young as five was on social networking site for two months after it was reported to the site’s administrators, New York’s attorney general says.

Andrew Cuomo says he plans to sue the company – which targets its site at teens – for failing to protect children.
In an undercover investigation, says Cuomo, his office uncovered numerous graphic images of children being sexually abused, inappropriate sexual communications between adults and minors, and content advocating pedophilia.
“Despite the safety claims listed on its very own Web site, repeatedly looks the other way when sexually explicit material is sent to its underage users,” said Cuomo.
“Child safety online is something than can never be ignored. This type of activity on the Internet poses a threat to children everywhere and parents must be aware of the dangerous security lapses at”
Child protection organizations welcomed the move.
“Tagged’s blatant disregard for our children’s safety is completely unacceptable. Social networking sites that allow predators to exploit and potentially access our most vulnerable must be held accountable,” said Laura Ahern, executive director of parents for Megan’s Law and the Crime Victims Center.
“Attorney General Cuomo is a crusader for our children and I applaud his continued commitment to fighting sex abuse in New York State.”
Tagged says only that it is working with Cuomo to resolve the problem.