T-Mobile recently told a federal judge that it maintained the right to withhold delivery of inappropriate text messages on its network.
Indeed, the carrier is being sued by a texting service for allegedly intercepting messages related to a California medical marijuana dispensary known as WeedMaps.com.
According to a court filing obtained and cited by Wired, T-Mobile insisted that it was perfectly legal to pre-approve EZ Texting’s clientele – which the company had apparently failed to submit for approval.

“[We have] the discretion to require pre-approval for any short-code marketing campaigns run on its network, and to enforce its guidelines by terminating programs for which a content provider failed to obtain the necessary approval.
“Such approval is necessary to protect the carrier and its customers from potentially illegal, fraudulent, or offensive marketing campaigns conducted on its network.”
It should be noted that the above-mentioned lawsuit is the first federal case to determine whether or not wireless providers may block specific text messages.