Steps To Take After Suspecting Negligence in Your Breast Surgery

Breast surgery, encompassing procedures like augmentation, reduction and reconstruction, is a common cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. While many people undergo these procedures for aesthetic or medical reasons, it is important to understand that breast surgery carries inherent risks. The likelihood of complications can be significantly reduced by selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon and asking the right questions to make an informed decision. 

However, when things go wrong, it’s important to recognise the signs of breast surgery negligence and know what steps to take if you believe a negative outcome is due to your surgeon’s negligence. This guide will help you understand what to look out for and what actions to take.

What is breast surgery?

Breast surgery encompasses a range of procedures designed to alter the appearance, size, and shape of the breasts. Common types include breast augmentation, breast reduction, and breast reconstruction. Breast augmentation involves the insertion of implants to enhance breast size and shape. This procedure is popular among those looking to increase breast volume, improve symmetry or restore fullness lost due to weight loss, pregnancy, or ageing. Implants can be filled with saline or silicone gel, and their type, size and placement are tailored to the individual’s body type and aesthetic goals.

How do you mitigate the risks of breast surgery?

Mitigating the risks of breast surgery involves several proactive steps. Start by choosing a board-certified and experienced surgeon with a solid reputation. Conduct thorough research on the procedure, its benefits, and its risks to make informed decisions. During your consultation, discuss your goals, expectations and concerns with your surgeon, and ask detailed questions about the procedure and recovery process.

Follow your surgeon’s preoperative instructions carefully, which may include guidelines on medication use, smoking cessation, and dietary restrictions. Plan for a smooth recovery by arranging assistance for the initial days after surgery and adhering to postoperative care instructions, such as wound care and activity restrictions.

Be vigilant for signs of complications and contact your surgeon immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms. Maintain realistic expectations about the outcomes by discussing achievable results with your surgeon.

What are the signs your surgery has gone wrong?

Even with the best surgeons, complications can arise. It is essential to be aware of the signs that indicate your breast surgery may have gone wrong, such as:

  • Severe pain: pain that is intense and does not subside with medication or rest.
  • Infection: symptoms like redness, swelling, warmth, and discharge from the incision site.
  • Asymmetry: noticeable unevenness in breast size or shape.
  • Implant issues: hardening of the breast (capsular contracture), implant rupture, or shifting of the implant.
  • Numbness or tingling: persistent loss of sensation in the breast or nipple area.

If you experience any of these signs, it is vital to contact your surgeon immediately to address the issue and prevent further complications.

What are the signs your surgeon was negligent?

Negligence in breast surgery can lead to severe complications and dissatisfaction with the results. Signs that may indicate your surgeon was negligent include:

  • Lack of informed consent: if you were not adequately informed about the risks, benefits, and alternatives to the surgery.
  • Poor preoperative assessment: if the surgeon did not thoroughly evaluate your health and suitability for surgery.
  • Inadequate postoperative care: if follow-up care was insufficient or not provided as promised.
  • Deviation from standard procedures: if the surgeon did not follow established protocols and standards during the surgery.
  • Improper surgical technique: if there is evidence that the surgeon used incorrect or outdated techniques, leading to complications.

If you suspect negligence, it is important to seek legal advice to explore your options for compensation and hold the responsible parties accountable.

What steps should you take if your surgeon was negligent?

If you suspect that your surgeon’s negligence has negatively impacted your breast surgery, it is important to take specific steps to address the situation and seek appropriate compensation.

Document everything

Start by keeping detailed records of your symptoms, medical visits, and any communications with your surgeon. Photographs of the affected areas can also serve as important evidence. Note the dates and details of all interactions and treatments. This documentation will be essential if you decide to pursue a legal claim, providing a clear timeline and evidence of the issues you’ve experienced.

Seek a second opinion

Consult with another qualified and experienced surgeon to assess the condition of your breasts and determine whether the issues are due to negligence. A second opinion can provide clarity and support your case if negligence is confirmed. This assessment can also offer insight into potential corrective measures and help validate your concerns about the initial surgery.

Request your medical records

Obtain copies of your medical records from the original surgeon and any other healthcare providers involved in your care. These records will provide a comprehensive view of the treatments and procedures you have undergone and are crucial for any legal proceedings. Having complete and accurate medical documentation is vital for substantiating your claim and understanding the full scope of what occurred during your surgery.

Contact a legal professional

Seek advice from a cosmetic surgery solicitor who can guide you through the process of making a claim, help to gather evidence, and represent your interests effectively. They can also advise you on the likelihood of success and potential compensation, helping you navigate the complex legal landscape.

File a formal complaint

Consider filing a formal complaint with the relevant medical board or regulatory body. This can initiate an investigation into the surgeon’s practices and potentially prevent future negligence affecting other patients. Providing detailed information and evidence can help regulatory bodies take appropriate action against the negligent practitioner.

Consider corrective surgery

Discuss options for corrective surgery with a trusted and qualified surgeon. While it is understandable to be wary of further surgery, addressing the physical issues can be an important step in your recovery process. A new surgeon can provide you with a plan to correct any problems and help restore your confidence and physical well-being.

Taking these steps can help you address the immediate concerns caused by surgical negligence and pave the way for seeking compensation and corrective measures. Your health and well-being are paramount, and addressing any negligence promptly can help restore your confidence and ensure proper care. By acting decisively, you can protect your rights and work towards resolving the negative impacts of negligent breast surgery.

Written by Spencer Calvert