How to deal with workplace discrimination before it gets to court

It could come in the form of color. Happen as a result of nationality. Or comes in the form of sexual harassment. Discrimination at the workplace comes in different forms. Though you might want to live a quiet life both at home and at the workplace, discrimination, sometimes, becomes unavoidable. The best solution is to face it head on and find amicable solutions to it once and for all. Before you take the case to court, maybe you might want to tray some workplace solutions. Here’s how to go about it.

Your work environment – friends or co-workers

Of course, you might be discriminated against in several ways. But is that the case with any other person in your organization? If so, then the issue can be solved collectively. But if you realize that you are the only one facing such an issue, it’s good to talk to your trusted friends or co-workers and find out how best you can put issues to rest. Also, try to let your friends look out for you and identify some form of discrimination against you as well. That could serve as evidence when things escalate to a court level.

Hearing it from the horse’s own mouth

Sometimes, the level of a discrimination doesn’t have to wait for other trivial things. So if you feel like you have the guts and can face the person doing it, you just have to talk to them. Convince them to stop their behavior. Also, create their awareness that you intend to take things officially and legally if the behavior continues. In most cases, it’s good to go with a friend so that you don’t plunge yourself into a bigger problem.

Formally but a low-level complain first

So you are still being discriminated against after all the efforts you’ve put in. depending on who the discriminator is, you can report to management or your immediate supervisor. When doing this, you need to keep things in writing and make sure you keep a copy of that. This should be used as evidence when the case finally gets to court or to authorities.

All efforts failed: your plans into the courtroom

After you’ve gone through all the organizational-wide options and you are still being discriminated against, you don’t have to keep things quiet now. The court should now be your only savior.

But there is something you have to remember: courts or judges don’t deal with your emotions or take your word for it. They deal with evidence. So whiles you go through all the process in the organization, make sure every step you make, every other discrimination against you after these efforts, and any formal complaint you’ve previously lodged are all kept as records and as evidence to back your claims. Only after doing this will you be confident that you are going to get justice.


Discrimination in the workplace happens every day. Some people keep quiet and suffer all their lives. Others go out there and fight. Don’t be the first group. Make your voice known in the workplace and if it doesn’t work, take it to wherever you think justice would be served. But before you do, you need to get advice from a good discrimination lawyer otherwise the legal jargon could swallow you up.