Live-in Care Can Improve The Lives Of People With Dementia

According to the charity there are over 800,000 dementia sufferers in the UK alone. That is a terrifying statistic for many seniors who worry about suffering from the disease in later life. However, many dementia sufferers can go on to have a good quality of life cared for either at home by a loved one, or in specialist nursing homes, residential care or assisted living. Help may also be provided by an at-home carer, or by a home help.

The Reality Of Dementia

Dementia is a word that sits as an umbrella term for lots of different brain conditions that prevent the brain from working like it should. In reality, it can mean all kinds of different symptoms and reactions from those who have it. It tends to affect those who are over 55 the most but it can occur in younger people too. People can get memory issues, problems with speech, problems with mood, disorientation, hallucinations and just a general struggle with daily tasks. It is a disease that affects everybody differently, which is why a unique care plan is so important.

How Live-in Care Can Improve The Lives Of People With Dementia

The Live In Care Hub produced a recent report (“No Place Like Home“) which incorporates lots of research relating to various care topics, including dementia and dementia care. The report detailed how dementia is now more feared by seniors, than cancer. And over a third of adults are scared of suffering from dementia as they grow older, more so than many other diseases affecting the brain.

In relation to care, the report also showed that loneliness has a significant effect on whether or not a person develops Alzheimer’s, the most common type of dementia. According to the research detailed, a person who is extremely lonely is twice as likely to get Alzheimer’s than somebody who is considered not to be very lonely.

So, with live in care, the companionship could help prevent a person developing dementia in the first place. If a person is already diagnosed, there is no doubt that the companionship can help slow down the development of the disease, and provide a higher quality of life for the client.

As well as companionship, a live in carer is able to provide personal care, cooking, cleaning and other agreed jobs and tasks to help the client live comfortably in their own home. Their care also means the person does not need to go into a care home, and they get to stay in their happiest place with assisted living, where all their memory triggers are. Their partner and pets get to stay with them at home, and the trauma of moving into a care home is avoided.

Choosing Live-in Care

If your loved one has dementia, and you want to consider all your care options for them, start by chatting to your GP and social worker. They can speak to you about a care assessment and about different options and places you can go for advice. You may also want to have a look at the other reports and guides from The Live-in Care Hub which provide plenty of information on senior care.

Take your time and do your research, the care you choose will have a big impact on the next chapter in your life and the later life of your loved one. The right care option can provide a basis for a high quality of life for somebody with dementia.