Mobile payments have found a somewhat unlikely target demo.
Usually when there is an emerging advancement in the world of mobile technologies, young adult females isn’t exactly the demographic that comes to mind.

But the Girl Scouts of America are apparently doing pretty well with adopting mobile payment technologies, allowing scouts with the knowhow and resources to sell more cookies than their cash-only counterparts.
That correlation is to be expected, but what’s surprising is that girl scouts are actually using mobile payments.
The company that has pioneered the effort is called Sage. The Sage Mobile Payments platform has taken the age-old confectionary door-to-door convention to new heights.
This year, for example, the average cookie sale transaction among the Girl Scouts of Central California South was nearly $80. In 2011, that number was closer to $20.
And the organization thanks Sage and its ability to sucker more money out of customers who can no longer use the excuse of not having any cash on hands.
“Cookie sales for the troops in our council using Sage Mobile Payments increased by 27 percent and the per-girl-average in those troops increased from 154 boxes to 176 boxes, a 14 percent increase,” said a representative for the Girl Scouts of North East Ohio.
So it’s a pretty successful endeavor. Would you buy more girl scout cookies if you local neighbor accepted credit card payments?