Have you ever thought about the path the software/website has to pass before getting into your computers and phones? How is it determined whether the product will be successful and whether it can meet the requirements/needs of the end user? All these issues are solved at once with the help of testing. Of course, you can design a truly unique product with a set of unique features and solutions, but its unprofessional implementation can derail all your efforts.

That is why, it is never a good idea to skip testing, no matter how complex and complicated product you are going to launch. Software testing is a very complex and multifaceted procedure. It is carried out in several stages and has a lot of varieties. Taking into account a number of specs one needs to test, the whole procedure may take several days and even weeks. Luckily, there is specialized software, for example, Diffy aimed at making your life easier.
Objectives of Testing
There are many reasons for you to test your product (or beta version of it). The first task the test team is facing is to make sure that the product really works as intended. This is necessary both for developers and a customer/ manager. The detailed project evaluation decides if the program will get to the end user or some extra changes are required for its successful release.
The second goal of testing is the identification/ reporting/ timely fixing of possible bugs in the developed product. This is primarily referred to improper behavior of the software; for example, a CTA button is difficult to navigate to on smaller screens. To make sure that the user will not have problems with your product, you are run several session of tests.

During software testing, the level of software quality is determined. The quality assurance specialists should make sure that the product meets all the requirements in terms of its look, responsiveness, load speed as well as technical specs if any. The latter are not very numerous, but at the same time, they are extremely specific.
Here are some of the website features that are checked during testing:
- the functional suitability of the product – the QA checks whether the program performs all the functions that are required;
- system reliability – testing allows you to find out if the program can perform all the functions assigned to it in the given conditions (including extreme conditions);
- the level of product performance – it takes into account the efficiency and stability of the system;
- compatibility – the product should work on any types of devices that your customers are using; otherwise, you risk losing a part of your audience.
What more, you should in no case forget about the software usability. Even the most progressive software product will not become popular if the end-user is uncomfortable using it. Among other important characteristics that are to be determined during software testing are system mobility, maintainability, and security. You should also invest in testing website design and user experience.