Responsive Web Design: What is it?

Responsive web design is a term that SEO experts use regularly. But, it is more dynamic than merely resizing a screen.

Responsive Web Design Basics

Screens differ in size depending on the device. Responsive web design is directly responsible for resizing websites so that they fit in the display for viewing. Large desktop monitors, far smaller cell phones, and even adjusting to fit various tablet sizes.

Screens are evolving into smaller and smaller pictures to fit mobile devices. Both large and small businesses are increasing their footprints on the internet. Google business pages, social media, eCommerce, and other platforms require easy access. Responsive web design solves the issue.

Bigger Than the Screen

The reason responsive design exists is the components that respond differently to every sized device.

Fixed websites is no longer an option. For example, on a desktop, a website’s layout might contain columns. If set at a fixed design, smaller devices are unable to view the site in full and are likely to move on.

With responsive design, smaller devices adjust to whatever screen it is viewing it. It does not require manual landscaping or avoiding graphics-heavy sites. The adjustment is automatic.

Related to Responsive Web Design

Websites using responsive design does not rely on pixels. Instead, the pages’ components rely on proportion. The different percentages of each type of screen are accounted for and automatically sized.

  • Touch screens are becoming the norm. Desktop computers have always relied on a mouse to navigate a screen. Websites continue to be far more mouse friendly than touch because of the delicate nature of a touch screen. Web designers that use responsive web design, such as 7Elements Web Design, take into account the touch vs mouse issues.
  • Another issue is a graphics heavy website. Download speeds turn people off if slow, but optimization sometimes does not allow for any graphics. Parsing out desktop and small device displays through responsive web design keeps incoming traffic fluid and not annoyed.
  • The evolving device app industry no longer only includes Apple or Android. From the desktop to the palm, applications are part of daily life. It creates difficulty for web designers, even the most trained. But, to keep up with the app-filled World, responsive web design expands as quickly as possible to cover every operating platform and device.
  • Basic website creation is the best approach when designing a site for mobility. Many mobile devices do not recognize media queries and JavaScript. Graphics heavy sites bog down smaller devices and often does not work at all.
  • A challenge that responsive web design faces is banner ads and videos. The fluidity of browsing is not possible unless each advertisement’s format is responsive. Targeting each device gets harder, making basic site designing best for basic mobile phones.

Mobile Traffic on the Rise

Pew Study first polled Americans about smartphones in 2011. The study is continuous, now, showing a jump from thirty-five percent to seventy-seven of people use smartphones from the beginning to 2018.

Tools like Google Analytics gives web designers and business owners a perspective of the amount of traffic that comes from a mobile device.

In the same dynamic approach, platforms like WordPress is available to anyone that wants or needs a responsive website design. The user then can either build the site on their own or use a web developer to utilize the dynamics to customize every aspect of a company.

Following Fluidity

The three basic tenants of responsive web design, RWD, are:

It is no longer useful to use pixels or points to size a website. A fluid grid is now the component that is the most reliable approach to size screens for the ever-changing landscape of devices and apps.

Images are no longer static. Flexibility is a requirement for graphics, now. Size, shape, and screen-friendliness are aspects that cannot go ignored because of the various dimensions of devices.

Physical display size and browser windows affect even media queries. The different displays require attention to each characteristic which is why responsive web design is the modern way to design.

Responsive web design evolves with every new device and screen. Trained professionals are the best bet when creating a website. Do not sell a site short by taking short cuts.
