RecoverInboundLinks™ a New SEO Tool 

Truly said, attaining inbound links skyrockets your site’s visibility on search engine. Most website owners must have learned that link building is a bit costly and time-devouring task. And surely it may take a lot of your precious time though there is no guarantee that your links serve for long.

Sometimes the inbound links may get lost, and you may not realize it. In such a scenario, your site’s visibility may crumble thus risking not getting visitors. Once your links have been broken, you may not want to utilize the traditional methods of link building to reach the far you had gotten. You will definitely need this new SEO tool.

Typically, link building procedures will focus on creating new links and may not focus on either making sure the currents links work properly or maintaining the already established links.

It is much more cost effective to fix the inbound link. And RecoverInboundLinks™ is here for your rescue. Maybe you do not know if you have lost any inbound links. Or you even do not understand why you should fix any broken inbound links. Learn all that here.

Why should you recover broken inbound links?

It took you ton of your time to successfully build those links. You did not waste your time, though. But you still want to remain visible by search engines or even become far much more visible from now onwards. Here is why you must recover the broken inbound links;

Objectively, you would love to see your site rank at the top, so if you fix those broken inbound links, your site will be more visible to search engines than before you did it.

You probably would not find it worth using time-consuming and expensive strategies to recover the links, this tool is cost-effective, and you get it done the soonest possible. Typically, it is always efficient to recover links you lost that build new links.

But how will RecoverInboundLinks™ help you?

  • First, it will scan any broken inbound links around the globe that can be recovered.
  • The tool will filter out any inbound links from spam site and Black Hat setups.
  • It generates a transparent report that lists all broken inbound links and provides a guide on how you can recover them.

How it works

  • Since it is annoying to splash your bucks for nothing valuable, you need to know whether your site has any broken inbound links. Start here: submit your domain name so that they can run a check to see if they will find any broken inbound links.
  • Later on, after receiving results showing you have any broken inbound links, launch a scan which will take 48 hours only and your report will be emailed once the process is done.
  • Once you get your scanning report and learn that you need to fix them, you can order your full report that will have the broken inbound links and how you can recover them. You will access the report on your personal control panel.

So what will the report contain?

This is what your report will reveal;

  • The report lists all websites that direct broken links to your website.
  • Any domain rank that directs broken links to your site
  • A list of all webpages that receive broken backlinks
  • A guide on how to successfully 301 redirect broken links genuine webpages on your site.

Bottom line

Up to this far, you have learned that creating new links can be a bit time consuming and costly. So you will need to run a check for the broken inbound links and get a comprehensive report on how to successfully recover them. Remember, the more traffic you get to your website; the more your content will be converting and your earnings will in turn skyrocket.

For sure, you will not be happy when no one is visiting your website simply because Google or Bing cannot find it easily. It is sad. So it is about time you considered utilizing this awesome SEO tool that will help you comprehend if your site has any broken inbound links, run a check for the broken links and finally deliver a report on the recovery process.
