If you’re an Android owner and a Netflix user, you’ve no doubt realized that the official Netflix Android app is now finally compatible with a lot of devices.
But before you go out and start downloading the app, beware! There’s a new app out there that poses as the official Netflix Android app but in reality seeks to steal your Netflix log-in info.

The app, which looks strikingly like the real one from Netflix, asks users to log in but no matter what phone or tablet they’re using, they’ll receive a message that says the device is not supported by Netflix at this time.
Security firm Symantec warned users about the app, saying that confusion over Netflix on Android made it an ideal phishing target. Netflix has made the app available in a piecemeal fashion, leaving Android owners unsure about whether or not their phone works.
“A gap in availability, combined with the large interest of users attempting to get the popular service running on their Android device, created the perfect cover for Andoid.Fakeneflic to exploit,” wrote Symantec in a statement.
As of this morning, though, the servers that were holding the pilfered data appeared to be offline, Symantec said. Nevertheless, it highlights yet again how careful smartphone owners – especially those with an Android phone – need to be when downloading apps.
There is no vetting with Android apps; anyone can make an app and have it available to download instantly.