The Pirate Party is asking cyber activists associated with Anonymous to halt a campaign of ongoing DDoS attacks against various organizations, businesses and government offices.
“We, the undersigned, call upon you to immediately cease DDoS attacks and to instead seek out a legal method to express your frustration and disquiet with the copyright industry, and their perversions of copyright law for personal gain,” representatives of the US and UK-based Pirate Party wrote in a letter obtained by TorrentFreak.

“By continuing Operation: Payback attacks, you will hamper those who promote copyright reform and curtailment of abuses of copyright, but who do so within the bounds of the law. Instead of being able to argue for legislative reform of copyright on its own merits, they will be accused of defending criminals and promoting lawlessness.
“It will [certainly] be easier for legislators and the media to ignore the clear benefits of fair copyrights and free speech, in favor of clamoring for harsher legislation to ‘stop those pirates and hackers.’
“[So], please help those of us who care about your freedoms, your rights and your liberty, and choose a more moderate and legal way.”
A spokesperson linked to Anonymous responded to the above-mentioned letter by pledging to halt Operation: Payback.
“[We will] cease [DDoS-related] activities immediately,” the spokesperson told TorrentFreak.