Paranoid parents and jealous girlfriends across the United States are using an intrusive Porn Stick to stalk, track and monitor online activity.
Take John and Laurel Porter, who employ Paraben’s Porn Stick to routinely conduct “surprise inspections” by scanning the contents of laptops and cell phones belonging to their three children.
“We just walk downstairs and say give me your phone. And with them, we’ll look at their history, we take their iPod and see what they’re listening to,” John Porter proudly told KSL.

Meanwhile, Paraben CEO Amber Schroader explained that the porn stick was designed to “actually go out and find illicit images and content on [a] computer.”
According to Schroader, Paraben’s “biggest” customer for the Stick are spouses – particularly women.
“[Well, sure], I wish 100 percent of the people out there were secure in their relationships, but the reality is they’re not, and this is our No. 1 customer.”
However, licensed therapist Scott Peterson warned that clandestine use of the Porn Stick could have serious or unintended consequences.
“It’s gotta be done out in the open. [Because] If you don’t do it out in the open, it just adds to the further sense of secrecy that surrounds pornography – and a pornography addiction thrives on secrecy.
“[Remember], the wife needs to let the husband know that that’s what’s she’s doing. In essence, give him the opportunity, or kids if they have teenagers, or so on, to say, this is a problem for me,” he added.