The credit card numbers of at least four Blippy customers appear to have found their way onto the fast-moving lanes of the information super-highway.
According to VentureBeat, all numbers which appeared in a Google search appear to match Citibank-issued MasterCard numbers.

“Today someone discovered a Google search that displays the credit card numbers of 4 Blippy users. We take security seriously and want to assure Blippy users that this was an isolated incident from many months ago in our beta test, and doesn’t affect current users,” Blippy cofounder Philip Kaplan confirmed in an official e-mail to VentureBeat.
“While it looks super-scary and certainly sucks for those few people who were affected, and is embarrassing to us, it’s a lot less bad than it looks.”
In addition, Kaplan noted it was “important to remember” that individuals were “never responsible” for unauthorized credit card use.
“That’s why it’s okay to hand your credit card over to waiters, store clerks, and hundreds of other people who all have access to your credit card numbers,” claimed Kaplan.
“[Still], we’re making efforts to bolster our security to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again. That includes third-party security audits, and in general being a lot more careful before new features are released, even if it’s during a small, limited beta test period.”