Cyber activists associated with Anonymous successfully hacked the official website of the controversial Westboro Baptist Church earlier this morning. The group left a map of the internal network of the church on the website, along with a note that blamed the digital infiltration on the congregation’s “recent antics” to gain media attention.
Indeed, Westboro had issued a rather bellicose challenge to Anonymous, challenging the group to “bring it.”

Unsurprisingly, Westboro spokesperson Shirley Phelps-Roper attempted to downplay the incident, claiming that Anonymous had been trying to hack the site for at least several days.
“What they did was break into one server. They tried mightily for four days. They got nothing,” she said.
“I’m [really quite] sure they worked it all out before.”
Meanwhile, an Anonymous Twitter tweet offered some indication that the Westboro hack may have been slightly more difficult to pull off than the the HBGary breach.
“#WBC was more leet than #HBGary… It took #Anonymous a 0day to get in their network, not some public SQL.”
It should be noted that Westboro’s sites were recently knocked offline for a period of several days by an extensive DDoS campaign coordinated by The Jester.
(Via ComputerWorld)