Anonymous is at it again. The hacker collective says that they have broken through NATO security and accessed a significant amount of restricted material.
According to the Associated Press, the group says it would be an “irresponsible” act to publish the majority of documents they stole from NATO. Nevertheless, the group maintains it has about a gigabyte of data.
Anonymous uploaded a PDF file Thursday, and offered a link to it from its Twitter page displaying what looked like a document with the header “NATO Restricted.”

A second link on Twitter from the group, which gives an error message, says that it’s another restricted NATO document related to “outsourcing CIS in Kosovo (2008).”
Anonymous is sympathetic to WikiLeaks. They have claimed to be behind attacks against corporate and government websites all around the world.
The mysterious group is also thought to be behind hacking attacks of Visa and MasterCard in December. Their motivation was due to the fact that the credit card companies decided to stop accepting donations to WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange.
That’s not all Anonymous has been up to today. AFP is reporting that they are also claiming to be behind the hacking of Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos’ Facebook page.
They left short phrases and a link to a video titled “False Independence” on his page. In the video they urge people to fight for their rights and they denounce violence.
The NATO-related PDF Anonymous posted can be found here. Download it at your own risk.
The joint statement Anonymous released with Lulz Security is directed at the FBI and it’s worth reading. Their official Twitter is worth combing through as well.