Cyber operatives linked to Anonymous have targeted a number of oil companies including Shell, Exxon Mobil, BP, Gazprom and Rosneft.
Launched as part of the ongoing #OpSaveTheArctic campaign, the rolling hack and extract operation yielded approximately 1,000 email credentials (usernames and passwords) from employees of the above-mentioned corporations.

In claiming responsibility for the digital infiltration, the Anonymous operatives noted the oil companies routinely drill in the Arctic, an obviously lucrative practice which has been harshly criticized by Greenpeace.
“To drill in the Arctic, oil companies have to drag icebergs out the way of their rigs and use giant hoses to melt floating ice with warm water. If we let them do this, a catastrophic oil spill is just a matter of time,” the activist group recently warned on its website.
Anon reps expressed similar sentiments in a #SaveTheArctic Pastebin post.
“We know we’re going up against the most powerful countries and companies in the world.But together we have something stronger than any country’s military or any company’s budget,” read the communiqué.
“Our shared concern for the planet we leave our children transcends all the borders that divide us and makes us – together – the most powerful force today.”
The ops also emphasized that the above-mentioned operation had been executed by Anonymous, and was not, in any way, connected to activists at GreenPeace.
“We are just supporting their cause,” they added.