Cyber operatives with links to the Anonymous collective have moved to establish their own whistle-blowing website dedicated to political transparency.
The new site is dubbed Par:AnoIA, an acronym which stands for “Potentially Alarming Research: Anonymous Intelligence Agencies.”

“The reason no one cares about these leaks, as a general rule of thumb, is that they can’t do anything with [them],” a Paranoia anon told Wired.
“Basically, [we’re] making it accessible to anyone that wants to do something with it, in a proper usable format.”
The Parnoia rep also noted Par:AnoIA would move to publish leaks quickly, as opposed to WikiLeaks which often takes weeks to sift through and approve documents for release.
“For now (Par:AnoIA is) a simple, quick leak platform with direct download access and browsable files. Also some conveniences like an email viewer are already done. We’ll add a full text search and more features,” the Par:AnoIA anon explained.
“[However], In the little longer run we want to extend our research & analytics department, so we can actually provide background/analysis on stored documents.”
And what about security?
“We are behind Cloudflare and the servers and domains are hosted in a way that they are DMCA-proof. We have experience in doing that,” the Anon confirmed.
“Our shit is also hosted anonymously, and we obviously do not use our real IPs.”