Finnish police are taking no chances after the attacks on their neighbors in Norway. They are going to begin watching the Web more strictly for signs of extremism.
According to AFP, Deputy Police Commissioner Robin Lardot said that his officers will analyze fragmented piece of information more closely. Such pieces of information are known as “weak signals.”

More attention will be given to these pieces of information because they could possibly end up linked to a credible terrorist threat.
On YLE public radio he told listeners that Finnish police enhanced their monitoring of online activity in the past after a 22-year-student shot and killed 10 people at a trade school in the town of Kauhajoki in September 2008.
In the two violent outbursts “the perpetrators had a need to say that they were preparing something like this,” Lardot added.
Anders Behring Breivik, who admitted to carrying out the Friday attacks in Norway that killed at least 76, was part of a Swedish neo-Nazi Internet forum, according to the Stockholm-based Expo foundation, who monitors far-right activity.
Behring Breivik made a post on the Internet where he shared his 1,500-page manifesto before executing the large car bomb and ensuing shooting that killed 76 people.