Google Ads best practices

You’re expecting to start your Google Ads campaign and go to sleep while you wait for the magic to happen, right? That’s what most folks using Google Ads wish for, but for many Google Ad professionals, the story is different.

The fact that you’ve started your campaign doesn’t mean it will perform to your liking and it’s for this reason, you can’t go to sleep just yet. You have to continually update and optimize your campaigns to make sure that they meet new standards, new search terms, and new keyword principles set by search engines. If you want to make sure that your Google ads perform to the fullest, here is a guide to help you optimize your campaigns.

Manually adjust your bid for higher a performance.

Whenever you run an ad, Google gives you an automatic adjustment that manages your cost-per-click bids. You shouldn’t settle for the automatic bidding provided by the system. If you want to get more out of your campaigns, adjust your bids to get get the best return on your investment.

When you manually adjust your bid, you can fine-tune your bid amounts, work on your ad groups, bid strategically for more performing keywords and less for keywords that are not performing, and get to maximize your CPC bids. This does not just put your website on the first page, but increases your click-through rate and makes sure that your ads are not wasted.

Refine your keywords through more research

If you are not getting the desired results from your campaign maybe it isn’t your Google ads that aren’t working in your favour, but perhaps, your keywords. After a couple of weeks in your campaigns, you should conduct more research into the performance of your keywords. Include specific keywords that lead to particular products or services on your pages, use long-tail keywords if they can help you close more deals, make sure that you have a grasp of the customers’ buying process and tailor your keywords to those processes and needs and ensure that any negative keywords that are causing more harm than good are removed immediately. This optimization will help you appear more in searches, and you will be closing more deals in no time.

Fine-tune device performance

Your Google ads might not be performing on specific devices but good on others. You need to research into how your ads are performing on different devices – desktop, mobile and tablet/iPad. This will let you identify on which devices performance is low and where more optimization would be needed. Google Ads bring you a device segment where you can work out these problems.

Review your ad group and campaign structure

One of the keys to success in Google Ads is how you structure your ad groups and campaigns. You can split your campaigns based on your daily budget, distribution preferences, language settings, location targeting and dates (beginning and ending). With such a grouping, you will be able to know which keywords are performing and on which basis, and which ones aren’t. This will give you a grasp on how to target your ads more effectively in the future.

Standout from the crowd – your USP

What are your Unique Selling Points? Don’t forget to highlight them in your Google Ads campaign. Yours might be a free delivery of products, training opportunities for customers or the provision of payment plans. Always make sure that whatever your USP is, and whatever makes you unique from the competition, is highlighted. This will raise your brand’s image and convince visitors to go the extra mile to purchase your products or patronize your services.


If you want your Google ads to perform well, you need to, as Google ads professional, ensure that you optimize your campaigns well. From your Unique Selling Points to your keywords, every aspect should be analyzed and taken care of for maximum performance.
